The Corporate Governance Dataset contains all the key variables related to the Board of Directors, as well as the 3 key committees that are Audit, Compensation and Nomination. With more than 60 variables, we provide the necessary information about the strict core of the Corporate Governance concept.
Ownership Structure Dataset has always been a competitive advantage for the NRG Metrics Database. Having a deep knowledge of the literature on Ownership Structure, we created a unique dataset for researchers. We started by providing nearly 60 variables, such as Managerial Ownership, CEO Ownership, Institutional Investors Ownership, Largest Shareholder, Top-5 of Shareholders etc. Afterwards, we added variables for companies with dual-class structure. The next step was to further enhance the Dataset by adding 15 new variables that cover the Pyramid Structure while revealing the identity of the Ultimate Shareholder.
Directors and Officers Dataset contains data for more than 170.000 Directors and Officers. This category of variables includes data on gender, nationality, participation in Other Public Boards, as well as data on financial expertise and political connection. The 45 variables that compound this dataset are a complete and detailed record of each Director / Officer information.
NRG Metrics created the fourth dataset, specifically designed for Family Firms.
We respond to the need of our clients by adding a unique dataset that no other database offers. We provide a comprehensive database to our customers, which can prove valuable for all researchers in the field of Family Firms. The Family Firms dataset includes 60 variables and 20 different definitions of Family Firms.
The Compensation Dataset includes more than 50 variables from the following categories: Executive Compensation, Director’s Compensation, Ownership Guidelines, Compensation Consultants, Non-Executive Fees and CEO Pay Ratio. This Dataset has the year 2011 as a starting point and is covering more than 5.200 listed companies.
The Audit Dataset contains 35 variables from the Audit category. In particular, there are 4 main subcategories of Audit Fees: Audit, Audit Related, Tax and Other, as well as a number of variables that are included in the Independent Auditor’s Report such as Opinion, Going Concern, Key Audit Matters, Emphasis of Matters, Materiality, etc.
The CSR Dataset is divided into 3 main categories of variables: Society, Environment, Employees and 13 subcategories. With more than 150 variables and 4,500 companies, we developed a complete dataset for the Environmental, Social & Governance category.
Regarding the sample of companies, we sought information from all the companies that belong to the large capitalization in the 59 countries that we have in the NRG Metrics Database. In addition, we added to our sample the medium capitalization companies from 4 countries (USA, UK, Canada, Australia).
Voting Results Dataset is the 8th dataset of NRG Metrics. We complement our database by adding this dataset which covers all the different areas of Corporate Governance and ESG. More specifically, this new dataset reveals the connection between important issues of a General Meeting of a listed firm.