NRG Metrics participated in the conference organized by the International Corporate Governance Society in Rome on 2 and 3 September 2017. It was the 3rd ICGS conference hosted by LUISS University and LUISS Business School.
The subject of the conference was: Corporate Power and Corporate Governance: Balancing value creation with stakeholder accountability. Keynote Speaker of the conference was Professor of Finance Franklin Allen from London Business School while guest speakers were: Peter Montagnon, Associate Director of the Institute of Business Ethics, Praveen Kumar, Cullen Distinguished Chaired Professor of Finance and co-Editor-in -Chief of Corporate Governance: An International Review (CGIR), Kristin Holter, Managing Director / Partner at Stakeholder AS, and John Plender, Journalist at FT, BBC and Channel Four.
NRG Metrics participated for the second consecutive year at the ICGS conference.